Chad’s story of perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds and the critical role educators played in unlocking the power of his dreams provides the backdrop to Chad’s leadership message to administrators, teachers, and leaders.
Chad believes that strong leadership from administrators is critical to creating an environment where teachers are empowered to positively impact student’s lives by pushing them to pursue their dreams and grow beyond their circumstances. Great leaders convey vision and inspire their teams to accomplish what often times seems impossible. Administrators, through leading their staff, can be the difference between students becoming another statistic or their rise to greatness.
After speaking with over 3 million students throughout the United States, Chad offers unique insight on how to connect with today’s students and make a real difference as leaders in their lives. Chad will inspire, challenge and remind your staff how vital their role is, while reigniting their passion for teaching and the larger purpose of their work. Educators will leave with tangible, real-world tools that can be applied immediately to strengthen their leadership skills and motivate their teams/students to achieve lasting results.
Educator Workshop Topics… Customized to meet your Needs:
Former professional basketball player Chad Varga shares how fighting off his mother’s abusive boyfriend gave him the strength to take on life and win.