“Hey, you came to my Middle School Monday afternoon and it was your last speaking event of the day. I kind of understand what you went through as a child. When I was younger, I saw my mom get beat up by her boyfriends all the time. I couldn’t even give her a hug because she had so many bruises, cuts, and injuries. I have a scar on my foot from my mom’s old boyfriend from him getting a nail and scratching me. My real dad doesn’t even care about me. Never really has. I got bullied a lot in elementary school cause I lived with my dad. I went to school with bad breath, greasy hair, torn up jeans and an oversized shirt everyday, and smelled like smoke. I would tell you more but it gets way worse. On the outside I am a normal happy girl. But really I cry myself to sleep every night because I don’t know what to do with my life. I fake a smile everyday so people don’t see my hurt. My mom says I’m worthless, stupid, and a bad child all the time because I never do anything right. And the rest of my family agrees. So I just wanted to thank you for telling your story and showing me there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am going make it out, just like you did.”
Aspen, 8th Grade, Wyoming